Katie Smith
Printmaking, painting and printed textiles
You will find tablet + HAAR’s studio in the centre of Crail, opposite the car park next to the town hall. Look out for the red bunting and our tablet + HAAR banner which will be on display outside.
Primarily a textile designer Katie’s work at design studio tablet+HAAR has taken a slightly new direction this year. Committed to making her practice more sustainable, she has chosen to use up – rather than buy new – the materials she already has in her studio stash along with recycled materials, wherever possible. This has led to exciting and freeing experimentation with sculptural wirework vessels, painting on found surfaces such as wood and recycled canvas, along with screen printing and mono printing on both fabric and paper that she has collected and saved over the years.
Contact details:
01333 450165
07957 398133
21 Marketgate North,
Crail, KY10 3TH