Virtual Tour (2020)


Completing our virtual tour takes us to a farm that has become a hive of creativity. You'll find it inland ...

St Monans

St Monans may not be quite as famous as neighbouring East Neuk villages, but it has a rich heritage (including ...

Pittenweem, down by the shore …

From South Loan, you can walk down towards the harbour via one of Pittenweem's winding Wynds. Halfway down Calman's Wynd, ...


Pittenweem is famous for its ten day long arts festival, normally held in August, which this year, like so many ...

Pittenweem, from the east …

Arriving in Pittenweem for the next leg of our virtual tour, the first stop is only a (virtual) stone's throw ...

Cellardyke to Anstruther

Moving on from John Street, a short stroll takes us to Ann in James Street and then it's another short ...

George, John and East Forth …

Posts in this virtual tour accompany updates to our web directory, featuring ENOS artists' new artworks for 2020. We may ...

Cellardyke …

From Crail, follow the coast road towards Anstruther. Soon after passing the small village of Kilrenny on your right. you ...


Continuing our tour of the East Neuk ... approaching from the north, having dropped in on Umlungu in Kingsbarns, you ...

The Loft Artists …

The Loft at Ardross Farm Shop has been a popular venue in recent years. It's a great place to be, ...

Introducing …

We have several new members this year, plus a couple of artists who are back with us after having taken ...

Take a virtual tour of the East Neuk’s artists

Our annual brochure was scheduled to be published this week, but that was before a nasty virus changed everything. You ...